To make a booking, simply enter your destination and travel dates under “Book Online” on our homepage. Browse through the available options and choose the one that best suits your needs. Click “Book Now”, enter your details and complete the booking process. You will receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards.
Booking consists of 4 steps. Enter all your information there such as flight numbers, arrival and departure times, hotel or your address. Extras such as child seats, golf luggage can be added in step 3. You can pay for your transfer online with Paypal or in cash to the driver at some airports. For credit card payments please contact us.
Airport pickup
The meeting point will be indicated on your travel documents. Most of the time, the pickup takes place outside the terminal at the exit, after baggage claim. The driver will then be waiting for you with a name sign.
Hotel pick-up
The pick-up takes place in the hotel lobby. You will be picked up with a name tag so that you arrive at the airport 2.5 hours before departure.
Pickup from a private address
Pick-up at a private address takes place at the main entrance of the residential complex. The driver will arrive 10 minutes before the pick-up time and will wait for you there with a name sign.